Monthly Archives: August 2022

How Often Your Radiator Needs to be Flushed

How Often Your Radiator Needs to be Flushed

Radiator flush might sound like a punch line but for cars it is a tune-up fundamental. Radiator fluid, also called antifreeze or coolant, keeps your car's radiator cool, especially during warm weather. This prevents the engine from overheating which will literally stall your plans. Because coolant is a fluid that runs constantly through the engine system it will collect debris and contaminants over time which can generate corrosion, causing rust, scaling and other types of debris that you don't want in your engine's radiator. A radiator flush acts almost like a blood transfusion, but designed for the cooling system. By blasting gallons of water, cleaner and fresh antifreeze during the flush, all of the contaminants and old fluids are cleared out. Another benefit to a radiator flush is the removal of rust and scaling that has built up on the radiator from debris and old fluids. A flush will also help to lubricate your water pump which will make it last longer. It will al ... read more