Monthly Archives: December 2022

What Can Cause Brake Pad Wear On One Side and Not The Other?

What Can Cause Brake Pad Wear On One Side and Not The Other?

A vehicle's braking system is a complex collection of parts, including brake pads. Brake pads are essential to stopping your car as they are the part connected to the wheels. After some inspection, you may notice uneven wear and tear on your brake pads. It is natural for front and back brake pads to have uneven damage since the front ones are responsible for braking. The following are possible causes of uneven brake pad wear: Caliper Failure Caliper failure is the most common cause of uneven brake pad wear and tear. The calipers have a piston that puts pressure on the brake pads to stop the car. When you release the brake pad, a seal in the caliper retracts the piston away from the brake pad. The seal is made of rubber and loses its ability to pull the piston back with time. The calipers can also get stuck, causing one brake rotor to exact more pressure on a brake pad than the others. Brake Rotor Damage Brake rotors can deteriorate unevenly, leading to Disc Thickness Variation ... read more