7 Signs Your Car's Axle Needs To Be Serviced or Changed

7 Signs Your Car's Axle Needs To Be Serviced or Changed | Lawrenceville Auto Center
Your car's axle may not be the first thing on your mind when it comes to maintenance, but neglecting it can lead to significant issues down the road. From ensuring smooth handling to supporting the weight of your vehicle, the axle plays a crucial role in keeping your car safe and drivable. That's why we will take a look at seven signs that need attention or even repair.

1. Unusual Noises While Driving

One of the most common indicators of axle problems is unusual noises coming from your car while driving. Listen for clunking, clicking, or banging sounds, especially when turning corners or accelerating. These noises could signify worn-out axle components or damaged CV joints, indicating the need for inspection and possibly replacement.

2. Vibrations or Shaking

It could be a sign of axle issues if you notice vibrations or shaking, particularly during acceleration or at high speeds. Worn-out or damaged axles can cause your car to shake, affecting the overall stability and comfort of your ride. Addressing these symptoms promptly can prevent further damage and ensure a smoother driving experience.

3. Leaking Fluids

Check underneath your car for any signs of leaking fluids, as this could indicate axle seal damage. Axle seals prevent lubricants from leaking out and contaminants from entering the axle assembly. Leaking fluids not only lead to inadequate lubrication but also pose a risk of axle failure if left unaddressed. Be sure to have any leaks inspected and repaired promptly to avoid costly repairs down the line.

4. Uneven Tire Wear

Keep an eye on your tire tread for signs of uneven wear, as this can indicate axle misalignment or damage. Worn-out axles can cause your tires to wear unevenly, leading to premature tire replacement and compromising your vehicle's handling and safety. If you notice uneven tire wear, have your axles inspected by a professional to determine the underlying cause and prevent further damage.

5. Difficulty Steering

Difficulty steering, especially when turning corners or maneuvering at low speeds, could signal axle problems. Damaged axles can affect the steering responsiveness of your vehicle, making it harder to control and potentially compromising your safety on the road. Addressing steering issues promptly can help prevent accidents and ensure optimal vehicle performance.

6. Axle Shaft Damage

Inspect your axle shafts for any signs of damage, such as bends, cracks, or corrosion. Damaged axle shafts can compromise the structural integrity of your axle assembly, leading to serious safety hazards if not addressed promptly. If you notice any visible damage to your axle shafts, have them inspected and replaced as necessary to prevent further issues.

7. Axle Boot Damage

Check the axle boots for tears, cracks, or grease leakage, as damaged boots can lead to axle joint failure. Axle boots protect the CV joints from dirt, debris, and moisture, ensuring smooth operation and longevity. If you notice any damage to your axle boots, have them replaced to prevent contaminants from entering the axle assembly and causing damage.

Answering Your Questions (FAQs)

How often should I have my car's axle inspected?

It's recommended to have your car's axle inspected as part of your regular maintenance schedule, typically every 30,000 to 50,000 miles or as advised by your vehicle manufacturer.

Can axle problems be fixed, or do they require replacement?

It depends on the extent of the damage. Minor issues like damaged axle boots or seals can often be repaired, while more significant damage may require axle replacement for optimal safety and performance.

What can cause axle damage?

Axle damage can be caused by various factors, including normal wear and tear, driving over rough terrain, hitting potholes or curbs, lack of lubrication, and neglecting regular maintenance.

When it comes to repairs and maintenance, the Lawrenceville Auto Center team is here to help! Contact us, schedule an appointment, and leave the rest to us!